Installing ROVL Firmware (Deprecated)

These instructions apply to versions of CeruleanTracker released before November 1, 2022.

ROVL Firmware Files by Device Type

Check the table below to see which files are required for the device(s) you wish to update.

Firmware Filenames by Device Type

“X” is for the “main” firmware, i.e., the firmware loaded first using the following instructions. “Co-proc” is the firmware for the Mk III co-processors. This is loaded using the “Co-processor firmware” instructions. Be sure to scroll horizontally to see all the columns of the table.

As you follow the procedures below you may see warning windows pop up. These are designed to prevent users from corrupting their firmware accidentally. Go ahead and click OK to continue the procedure.

Acquiring the Firmware and Setting Up the Unit for Programming

Go to the Cerulean ROVL MKII webpage and download the latest ROVL Software Bundle.

  1. Extract all files from the downloaded .zip file. Note which of the firmware files (firmware files have “.ELF” file extensions) apply to the device you are updating. Refer to the table above. You might want to hide or delete the firmware files that don’t apply to your situation.

  2. Connect the device to be updated to a Windows PC using a USB-to-serial adapter such as an FTDI cable or a BLUART. See the figure below for an example cable.

  3. Launch the CeruleanTracker application included in the downloaded software bundle (see figure below). Then:

    1. Select the ROVL Rx tab on the main window

    2. Click on the radio button next to “Use Serial Port”

    3. Choose the com port of the USB-to-serial adapter connected to the ROVL device. If not sure, you can unplug and re-plug the USB-to-serial adapter and see which com port name appears and disappears from the list of connected com ports at the bottom of the window.

    4. Choose the Baud rate. If updating a Receiver or Transceiver, choose 115200 for the Baud rate. If updating a Mk II Transmitter with Autosync installed, choose 9600. If updating a Transmitter without Autosync installed, or a Transponder, choose 115200.

  4. Make sure “Show Command Window” checkbox is checked.

Note: The 5V pigtail is only needed for "P" Package units!

Installing the “Main” Firmware in a Working Unit

This procedure applies if the unit in which you are installing the firmware is operating normally. Otherwise, see the section “Installing Firmware if the Device has Corrupted Firmware”.

  1. (optional) Confirm you have the correct unit attached and it is operating normally. Send a “?” command or click the Query Configuration button to ask for the type of unit and the date of the installed firmware. If the installed software is the same date as the new firmware, skip the update. See the Figure below.

  2. If updating a Transmitter or Transponder, in the Command Window text box, type “BOOT” in all caps and hit ENTER. If updating the Receiver, skip this step (don’t send a BOOT command). See the Figure below.

  3. Click on “Install Firmware RX” to update a Receiver or Transceiver, or “Install Firmware TX” to update a Transmitter or Transponder. See the Figure below.

  4. Browse to the downloaded software bundle and choose the .elf file corresponding to the unit you are updating (per the table at the start of this section). See the Figure below.

  5. Wait for the firmware to be loaded. The window will show progress indicators, and the entire process takes less than a minute. Check the output window and make sure the firmware was installed correctly. After the firmware is installed, the device will reboot and show the date of the current firmware. See the Figure below.

Note: During Step 5 the firmware loading process may abort with a message saying the CPU refused a read or erase command and you may have to cycle power. This indicates the CPU did not fully reset during the transition to bootloader mode. If this happens, when cycling the power let the device sit unpowered for at least 10 seconds before applying the power again.

Both the Receiver/Transceiver and Transmitter/Transponder may need to be updated (check the dates on the firmware file), so repeat this procedure to update the other device if needed. Unless otherwise stated in the package release README file, it doesn’t hurt to update a device even if it is not strictly necessary.

Installing Firmware if the Device has Corrupted Firmware

If the device is not responding it is possible the firmware is corrupted. Corrupted firmware is quite rare. The following procedure will install “main” firmware if the device is not able to assist.

  1. Disconnect/turn off the power to the device.

  2. "S" Package: Disassemble the device, and locate the BOOT button (see the figured below). "P" Package: Locate the BOOT wire you added to your firmware programming setup (see the figure at the start of this section).

  3. "P" Package: Verify the boot wire is +5V with respect to the unit’s ground (black) wire (when the FTDI cable or BLUART is powered). If not, correct the problem.

  4. "S" Package: Hold the BOOT button down while applying power in the next step. "P" Package: Hold the unit in one hand. Using the other hand, hold the BOOT wire against the tiny gold dot at the base of the unit. You are trying to make an electrical connection. See the Figure below.

  5. Using your third hand, plug in the FTDI cable or otherwise apply power to the unit. If you don’t have three hands, ask a colleague to assist. Once the power is applied, "S" Package: you can release the boot switch, "P" Package: you can take the BOOT wire off the gold dot (continuing to make sure it does not contact metal or other electronics).

  6. Go to the procedure ‘Installing the “Main” Firmware in a Working Unit’ and continue following from step 3.

Installing Co-Processor Firmware in a Working Unit (Mk III Only)

This procedure applies if the unit in which you are installing the firmware is operating normally.

  1. Connect to the device as per ‘Installing the “Main” Firmware in a Working Unit’.

  2. (Optional) Verify you are connected to the correct unit per ‘Installing the “Main” Firmware in a Working Unit’

  3. In the command window, type “---” and press Enter. This will connect you to a serial tunnel through the main processor to the co-processor.

  4. (Optional) confirm you are talking to the co-processor by typing “?” and ENTER. See the Figure below.

  5. This step requires you to quickly type two different commands. You may want to rehearse this. If you fail to meet the timing requirement, you may have to cycle the power on the unit and restart CeruleanTracker and repeat the earlier parts of this procedure to get back to this step.

    1. Type “BOOTD” in the command window. Hit Enter, and within 5 seconds:

    2. Type “+++” in the command window and hit Enter.

    3. The unit will start counting down from five seconds after step (a). It will stop counting after you send the “+++” command.

    4. DO NOT type anything else in the command window or otherwise cause data to be sent to the device unless directed by this procedure.

  6. Type “===” in the command window and hit Enter.

  7. If you are updating a Transceiver, click the “Install Firmware TX” button and select the Transmitter firmware as listed in the table at the start of this section. If you are updating a Transponder, click the “Install Firmware TP” button and select the Transponder firmware as listed in the table at the start of this section.

  8. When the firmware installation completes, click the “8E +++” button. See the Figure below.

Installing Co-Processor Firmware if the Device has Corrupted Firmware (Mk III Only)

  1. Follow the first five steps of the “Installing Firmware if the Device has Corrupted Firmware” procedure.

  2. Click the “Reserved GO” button and wait for the device to boot up (5 or 10 seconds). See the Figure below.

  3. Go to step 6 of “Installing Co-Processor Firmware in a Working Unit (Mk III Only)” and follow the rest of that procedure.

Last updated