Factory Defaults and Default Messages

The DVL has several different type of output messages, not all of which are useful in all applications.

The DVL is set to the following configuration when shipped from the factory. Commands are provided to set each message type on and off, and when you make changes the new settings are persisted in non-volatile memory.

  • Static IP address for the DVL at (static IP address disabled)

  • Host IP address (general broadcast to UDP port 27000)

  • MAVlink interface IP address (enabled with default BLueOS/Ardusub TCP address)

  • Fallback IP address for the DVL at

  • $GPRMC: DVL's own position set to OFF

  • $DVEXT: DVL extended data message used to drive CeruleanTracker features set to ON

  • Freeform messages: used to provide DVL boot progress and ongoing information messages set to ON

  • $DVKFA and $DVKFB: messages to support external Kalman filters set yo OFF

  • $DVPDL: Delta position of the DVL used to drive position hold functions in non-BlueOS/Ardusib systems set to OFF

  • Retweet GPS: used to pass raw data from the DVL's integrated GPS to external systems set to OFF

  • Retweet IMU: used to pass raw data from the DVL's integrated IMU to external systems set to OFF

  • Magnetic Declination: set to 0.0

  • Speed of sound: set to 1484 meters/second

  • Velocity Adjustment: used to adjust DVL performance to specific environments

  • DVL mounting orientation adjustment set to [0,0,0]

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