DVL Setup for MAVlink Support

The DVL is shipped with the following required non-volatile memory settings as default. If you have changed them, you may need to change them back to the default:

  • DVL's MAVlink address: port 6040 (configure this on CeruleanTracker's DVL Command Window user interface or send it raw DVL commands via one of the DVL's interfaces)

  • DVL's Send GPRMC OFF (configure this on CeruleanTracker's DVL Command Window user interface or send it raw DVL commands via one of the DVL's interfaces)

  • If you have CeruleanTracker active on the ROV network, go to the Output tab of the main window and check "Don't Send on Ethernet", and/or uncheck the GPRMC Output Message Format and/or make sure the Send To address is not the same as the ROV's address (including making sure the Send To address is not a broadcast address)

  • If you have CeruleanTracker active on the ROV network, go to the Topside GPS tab and for the GPS rebroadcast configuration select "Don't Send on Ethernet" or make sure the Send To address is not the same as the ROV's address (including making sure the Send To address is not a broadcast address)

Other DVL parameters not listed here may have any valid value.

Last updated